ParaPro Reading Study Guide: Identify Supporting Ideas

Now that our ParaPro Study Guide has covered identifying main ideas, we’re ready to cover supporting ideas. We will show you how to identify these details and the roles they play in a passage, especially in relation to the main idea.

What is a Supporting Detail?

Every main idea has to have supporting details (also called supporting ideas). These are specific areas of evidence within a passage that help indicate what the topic is about.

Many times, the ParaPro exam will provide the main idea and ask what the supporting idea is. For example, a question might ask, “What details support the idea that x led to y?”

When figuring out supporting ideas:

  • Read the question thoroughly.
  • Decipher the passage’s five Ws: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
  • Focus on the main idea. What evidence is given to get you to that main idea?

A supporting idea will never reflect the full scope of the passage. It is simply one factor of the overall argument or purpose. It can be a statistic, anecdotal evidence, a character trait of someone, a quote, or the focus of a single sentence or paragraph.

Example 1

School Uniforms

Many schools have implemented school uniforms as a way to improve student behavior and focus in the classroom. Studies show that schools that have implemented uniforms have fewer disciplinary referrals. Teachers also believe that students are more focused on their work and are less distracted by what other students are wearing in class. Teachers get more out of students who are concentrated on taking notes and doing what they are supposed to do. It also helps school officials identify intruders, helping law enforcement mitigate unsafe situations.

What detail supports the idea that uniforms help student conduct in the classroom?

  1. Uniforms have reduced disciplinary referrals
  2. Students are less distracted by what others wear in class
  3. Students increase the amount of work they do in class
  4. Administrators and police can identify trespassers

Read the question and then ask yourself, “Which option refers most to the idea of student conduct?” The key phrase in option (A) is “disciplinary referrals,” since this deals directly with a student’s behavior. The other options may all support the idea that school uniforms create positive change in the learning environment, but they focus on other areas of the question, not necessarily student conduct.

If you feel you’ve got a good grasp on supporting details, test your knowledge with our quick, 3-question review test below. The passages and answers reflect the type of language you will see on the official ParaPro exam.

Supporting Ideas Review Test

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